ELECTED OFFICIALS Kenny ImesCALLOWAY COUNTY JUDGE EXECUTIVE 201 South 4th StreetMurray, KY 42071(270)-753-2920Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM – 4:30PM Ricky StewartMAGISTRATE, DISTRICT 1 201 South 4th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071Cell: 270-293-1195District Map Larry CrutcherMAGISTRATE, DISTRICT 2201 South 4th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071Home: 270-436-2645District Map Don CherryMAGISTRATE, DISTRICT 3 201 South 4th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071Cell: 270-293-0445District Map Paul RisterMAGISTRATE, DISTRICT 4201 South 4th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071Cell: 270-293-5455District Map Antonia FaulknerCALLOWAY COUNTY CLERK 2nd Floor of Old Courthouse101 South 5th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071270-753-3923 K. Bryan ErnstbergerCOUNTY ATTORNEY204 South 6th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071270-753-3312 Nicky J. KnightSHERIFF701 Olive StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071270-753-3151 Kenneth ClaudJAILER310 North 4th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071270-753-6150 Ricky GarlandCORONER116 North 7th StreetPO Box 525Murray, Kentucky 42071270-759-9770 Melinda StarksCIRCUIT COURT CLERKCalloway County Judicial Building312 North 4th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071270-753-2714 Nikki McMillen-CrouchPROPERTY VALUATION ADMINISTRATOR1st Floor of Old Courthouse101 South 5th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071270-753-3482 Randall HutchensDISTRICT COURT JUDGECalloway County Judicial Building312 North 4th StreetMurray, Kentucky 42071270-753-0060 Jedediah “Levi” LambDISTRICT 1 CONSTABLETerm Expires 12/31/2026 Joseph SwarthoutDISTRICT 2 CONSTABLETerm Expires 12/31/2026 Tim StoneDISTRICT 3 CONSTABLE Term Expires 12/31/2026 Brandon Eldridge DISTRICT 4 CONSTABLE Term Expires 12/31/2026 Chris JonesSURVEYOR